Wednesday, November 11, 2009

my new baby..Hasya Nurain

alhamdulillah...segala puji bagi Allah..tuhan sekelian alam...

tidak tergambar rasa syukur aku ini..
Maha Suci Engkau yang telah mengurniakan aku seorang puteri...cahaya mata yang didoakan selalu...
tuhan..Engkau telah memakbulkan permintaan hambaMu ini...besar sekali kasih sayangMu ya Allah..sedang aku selalu lalai dan sering kali melupakanMu...
tuhan..ampunilah aku...betapa aku terasa kerdil dengan rahmatMu...
tuhan..andai dosaku telah diampunkan dengan melahirkan puteri ku ini...betapa bertambah kerdil aku rasakan ya Allah...betapa sentiasa rahmatMu sentiasa di sekeliling ku...
tuhan...jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang sentiasa bersyukur...yg sentiasa mentaatiMu...
Ya Allah...jadikanlah anak2 ku..hambaMu yang beriman,soleh dan solehah..rahmatilah mereka ya Allh..
Ya Allah..jadikanlah si kecil ku ini seorang muslimah sejati, sesuaikanlah dengan namanya kesempurnaan cahaya mata...lindungilah dia dari segala yang jahat...
terima kasih ya Allah...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Happy birthday to mak n ayah...

mak is reach 65 while ayah a year younger..!!..:)

for mum is my special moist choc cake....yummy...sedap nak mampus..perasan?...lantak...n also a indon's tudung style with a very nice brooch...unfortunately, my lil naughty adam broke it...arghhhh....i know mak was frustated, but for the sake her grandson...everything is okay...

n for my ayah is another choc cake, but from the bakery...hehhehhe...n a nice short sleeve shirt...and that choc cake is still a lot...we just ate about a my freezer...who wants?....

a great congratulation to my mak n ayah...they have a very great life for about almost 60 years n over....sucessful...

make me think, what about mine would be in 60 years to come...could i be like them...just imagine, they can raise 5 of us become a person..yes, we have lack here n there..but, all that are form ourselves, not from them...anyway, both of them are my idole...i am their be as patient as my ayah n as caring as my mak....beside, i have my mak's look n i think i have my ayah's it?

anyway, hope they will enjoy their life many2 years to come both here n hereafter....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

to my beloved sons..

i'm writing down this while sitting at teacher's desk watching my student answering the exam...::))...

untuk iman kesayangan umi

dan adam tercinta..

umi pahatkan seluruh kasih sayang umi...

umi serahkan segenap kepercayaan umi...

umi abadikan segala restu dan doa umi...

berdirilah sebagai seorang wira,

seorang mahakarya,

seorang adiputera...

jika itu semua sesuatu yang di luar upaya,

tenangkanlah umi dengan hanya menjadi

seorang hamba kepada Yang Maha Pencipta

redha dan takwa adalah jiwa kamu berdua...




9.55 AM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


all the feeling that comes in a same time...make me become very unstable....
jgn dipedulikan dgn ayat2 aku...maleh nak memikirkan grammar,structure or literature...1 thing for will represent myself right now....
english is the best way for me to n short....
to explain what all this about....really need one big momentum...
a courage for me to jot down...i have never share my life with anyone....
does i'm willing to share it now....
create this blog..actually my very first step to do take the second step??..
i just don't know...
tonight...feel like to do it....write everything.....
the truth is...
i couldn't do it now..
give me time..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

First timer...

ye ye ooo jer...tah betul ke idak...aku main belasah sdr je ni....actually busan x tau nak buat apa..sesaja try create...
kosong gileerr...kena belaja laie...actually anak2 pun tido..keja belambak...but not in the mood to do so....